to our third annual post ranking the hottest colleges and universities
in America. PopCrunch runs Hottest Student Bodies every year in the
midst of March Madness, an appropriate time we think to be looking at
the hottest colleges in the US. Our advice to high schoolers looking for
college recommendations remains as always to head south and out west,
but there are gems all over the country as you’ll see in our list (of
course it’s probably also smart to consider college rankings based on education quality).
When you’re done checking out the 2010 list free free to check out 2008, and 2009
for lots more great pictures and to see how the list has evolved over
the years. Now onto 2010, as always let us know in the comments what
colleges we’ve forgotten or ranked too low.
50. Michigan State

Last Years Ranking: 46
State is only one of two schools to make the Sweet 16 every year since
we’ve started this list, and they’ve also made all three editions of
Hottest Student Bodies. Lots of cute girls in Lansing, if nothing else
to do the sheer size of the school. Like most Big Ten schools the
undergrad population is massive, ensuring you’ll be able to find your
type, whatever it might be.
49. Oregon State

Last Years Ranking: 44
perhaps a bit partial to girls of the Pacific Northwest, and the state
of Oregon is a particular favorite. Lots of fit girls that love outdoor
activity in Corvallis.
48. UNLV

Last Years Ranking: 33
takes a bit of a tumble this year as Las Vegas has become a slightly
more depressing place with the economic collapse, but we still remain
intrigued with what it must be like to go to school in Sin City. Going
to school 1.5 miles from the strip would be just a little distracting.
47. West Virginia

Last Years Ranking: Not Ranked
by Gawd Virginia” makes it’s inaugural appearance on our list, and
while we expect it to generate a little controversy we do think it’s
deserved. The basketball team is looking awfully good this year and so
there’s a little more buzz around the university in 2010, and we think
it’s time we gave Morgantown a little recognition.
46. Maryland

Last Years Ranking: 50
enough south for the weather not to be completely horrid in the winter,
Maryland is an underrated destination. Lots of hot girls in the
Washington metro area, and you’re running into girls who couldn’t get
into Georgetown here. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
45. Missouri

Last Years Ranking: 38
solid sports, and over 30k undergrads in total gives you lots of
choices. On the short list of schools rumored to be possibilities for
Big Ten expansion, a move which would probably raise Missouri’s national
44. Washington State

Last Years Ranking: 49
State is in a beautiful part of the country, attracting beautiful
girls. Some of the best cheerleaders on the list knocks them up a few
notches on this year’s list.
43. Colorado

Last Years Ranking: 41
you’re not going to go to school on the beach mountains would be a good
second choice. Everyone knows hot rich girls love to ski.
42. Florida International

Last Years Ranking: Not Ranked
West Virginia as a newcomer, Florida International features lots of
coeds that spend their time sunning on South Beach. A bigger school than
you probably realize with over 30k undergrads it has long puzzled me
why their sports teams aren’t a little more competitive. Seems like a no
brainer recruiting sell to me.
41. Oregon

Last Years Ranking: 35
of the best cities in America to live, lots of cute outdoorsy girls,
and hotter than average cheerleaders have all helped to make Oregon a
perennial favorite on our list.
40. San Diego State

Last Years Ranking: 40
It’s hard to think of many better places to go to school, the weather is as perfect as you can find and the women are beautiful.
39. Virginia Tech

Last Years Ranking: 32
hot female student body for a school known for engineering. But that
just means lots of cute geeky girls for the taking, so if that’s your
type definitely think about Blacksburg.
38. Iowa

The south and west coast have a reputation, but wholesome midwestern girls can be an awful lot of fun too.
Last Years Ranking: 48
37. North Carolina

Last Years Ranking: 42
A down year in basketball but at least they still have hotter girls than Duke.
36. Louisville

Last Years Ranking: 34
overall might not be the best place in the world to live, but there are
pockets that have a lot going for them, and Louisville is definitely
one of those places.
35. Mississippi State

Last Years Ranking: 47
The hottest girls here go to Ole Miss, but there’s enough to go around to make Mississippi State a force as well. h
34. Kansas

Last Years Ranking: 39
rough way to exit the tournament, but Kansas still had a nice year in
basketball. Kansas is kind of a rough place overall from what I hear
when it comes to women, but Lawrence is not at all like like the rest of
the state.
33. Washington

Last Years Ranking: 21
idyllic place to go to school, with a stunningly beautiful campus
(featuring the best view from a football stadium in the country).
Mountains and water attract plenty of hot girls looking for a nice
setting for school.
32. South Florida

Last Years Ranking: 31
actually really can’t go wrong going to school anywhere in Florida.
Just think about that if you’re considering Minnesota or somewhere
equally goofy.
31. Clemson

Last Years Ranking: 36
gets points for great cheerleaders, plus the whole southern school
thing featuring good weather and the standard lots of hot girls. There
are obviously southern schools with hotter girls (or Clemson would be
ranked higher) but Clemson still does quite well in that department.
30. Oklahoma

Last Years Ranking: 29
girls here love their football which is always a plus, and you also
won’t freeze to death in the winter. Just stay in Norman, the rest of
the state doesn’t offer much.
29. North Carolina State

Last Years Ranking: 24
We still like State over it’s Chapel Hill counterparts. Girls are a little more willing to cut loose in Raleigh.
28. Indiana

Last Years Ranking: 30
has some surprisingly hot girls, and while you’ll find quite a few at
Purdue as well, IU is really where they gravitate. We think Indiana is a
little underrated so we’re bumping them up a couple of notches this
27. Utah

Last Years Ranking: 23
the frigid Mormon girls go to BYU, making Utah a lot more palatable as a
college experience. You still do get your fair share of Mormons of
course, but that’s a catch-22, as they are awfully hot generally.
26. LSU

Last Years Ranking: 14
going on a great football run for a few years LSU has cooled off just a
bit. Still has all the things we like to look for in a school though,
hot weather, interesting location, great girls.
25. Miami (FL)

Last Years Ranking: 11
U takes a tumble partially due to the addition of Florida International
splitting the Miami vote. Gorgeous place to go to school, and I doubt
anyone would regret four years in paradise.
24. Penn State

Last Years Ranking: 20
State is the number one party school in America, probably due in large
part to Happy Valley being in the middle of nowhere with nothing else to
do but get blackout drunk and have sex. There are worse ways to spend
four years.
23. Texas

Last Years Ranking: 17
is one of the cooler cities on our list to go to school, and Texas is
either first or second on the list of biggest schools in the country,
depending on the year offering tons and tons of variety.
22. USC

Last Years Ranking: 12
takes a little tumble. Their athletics are headed south as of late and
some of the mystique is going with it. Still the best cheerleaders in
America however, and southern California can’t be beat as a college
21. Miami (OH)

Last Years Ranking: 16
maintain that Ohio’s Miami is one of the most underrated schools in the
country when it comes to hot girls. But then again lots of rich, hot
blonde girls isn’t a minus in our book.
20. Arkansas

Last Years Ranking: 18
SEC is full of hotties, and while Arkansas is probably low school on
the totem pole that’s still enough to make them one of our 20 hottest
schools in America.
19. TCU

Last Years Ranking: 28
is right up there with California and Texas when it comes to hot girls
and hot schools, and TCU is right up there when it comes to Texas
18. UCLA

Last Years Ranking: 25
to school with a bunch of aspiring actresses seems like a plus. LA in
general is the land of the beautiful people, and here you’ve got those
beautiful people when they are 18-22. Sounds good.
17. Wisconsin

Last Years Ranking: 26
breaks our biggest rule that cold weather schools are to be avoided by
simple virtue that it’s student body is hard core when it comes to
partying and making the most of it’s “education”. Wisconsin is quite
underrated when it comes to women.
16. Central Florida

Last Years Ranking: 27
think this year we’ve gotten just about every major Florida university,
and this is Florida’s largest, and the third largest in the country. So
it has everything we look for, perfect weather, massive student body,
only really lacks in quality sports entertaiment, but I think the
positives more than make up for that.
15. Baylor

Last Years Ranking: Not Ranked
makes for our highest debut in 2010. They are getting some extra
national attention this year for a solid basketball season, and we have
been negligent not including them in previous editions of the list.
14. Ohio State

Last Years Ranking: 22
with Texas as either the biggest or second biggest school in the
country, and you’re nearly guaranteed to have solid football and
basketball teams to watch in your four years here. There are women of
every variety with such a huge student body and spring on campus has to
be seen to be believed.
13. South Carolina

Last Year Rankings: 13
nice southern girls here, South Carolina offers a lot to the potential
student. Lots of beautiful sweet southern girls and mild winters equals
South Carolina holding steady at 13.
12. Alabama

Last Years Ranking: 6
may have over ranked Alabama a bit in hindsight, but we still have them
solidly in the top 15. Lots of hot girls wearing dresses to football
games in the fall, something of which the rest of the country could
probably stand to see a little more often.
11. UC Santa Barbara

Last Years Ranking: 15
to school in Santa Barbara seems like a no brainer. Model quality girls
walking around and you live in one of the most beautiful places in
America, how can you go wrong?
10. Kentucky

Last Years Rankings: 19
is back to prominence with the return of an honest to god good
basketball team. We’ve been seeing a lot more Ashley Judd lately,
helping to at least partially explain UK’s bump in ranking.
9. Texas Tech

Last Years Ranking: 3
Tech national prominence took a hit this year with Mike Leach’s weird
dismissal, but we still love the ladies who go to school there. Texas
Tech makes it’s second straight appearance in our top 10.
8. Arizona

Last Years Ranking: 8
much the only drawback to going to school in Arizona is the lack of a
beach, but everything else is as perfect as can be. Insanely hot girls
and hot weather year round, the perfect combo. If we were ranking states
with each state’s schools added together Arizona would be right up
there with California and Florida.
7. Auburn

Last Years Ranking: 7
campus with a storied history, Auburn fall Saturdays are as nice as
just about anywhere else in the country. The eyecandy is phenomenal.
6. Georgia

Last Years Ranking: 9
is an all time great college town, and it’s women can be put up against
anyone’s and come out looking good. People who go to college in the
northeast really have no idea what they are missing when it comes to the
5. Tennessee

Last Years Ranking: 10
makes its second straight appearance in the top 10. When you get high
differences start to get smaller, and Tennessee is just your standard
SEC school with great tradition and beautiful girls.
4. Ole Miss

Last Years Ranking: 1
A well deserved number 1 last year, Ole Miss Saturday at the Grove seriously have to be seen to be believed. Hotty Toddy.
3. Florida

Last Years Ranking: 2
Gator girls are legendary, and Florida is a perennial contender for the top slot on on our list.
2. Arizona State

Last Year Ranking: 4
State is another former number one, and for good reason. Girls are so
hot here that a calendar showing them off is an annual best seller.
1. Florida State

Last Years Ranking: 5
Sterger finally gets her due as Florida State becomes the third school
to be named PopCrunch’s hottest student body in the land. Scanning the
crowd at Florida State football games is as fun an activity as you’ll
find at any other school. Florida State has all the ingredients for an
awesome college experience, and we have no qualms naming it our 2010 #1.